Considerations For Having A Septic Tank System Installed

6 September 2018
 Categories: , Blog


When you are needing to have a septic tank system installed on your property, you may not be prepared for the types of issues, considerations, and challenges that will accompany this potentially essential upgrade. For homeowners that are wanting to be as prepared as possible for this project, there are some key pieces of information that should be reviewed.

Avoid Choosing A System That May Be Too Small For Your Needs

Your choice of size for your septic tank will be one of the most important decisions that are made about this upgrade. Individuals that choose septic tanks that are too small for their needs may find that their septic system will provide unreliable performance and may be more prone to serious malfunctions. Ideally, you should always choose a larger sized system than you anticipate needing so that you can account for any future increases in your needs. An example of this can be having children or letting elderly parents move in with your family.

Keep The Access Hatch To The Septic Tank Marked And Labeled

Locating the septic tank's access port can be extremely difficult if you allow grass to grow over it. If the repair technician has to spend considerable time locating this entrance or removing dirt from its entrance, this can delay repairs while also increasing the labor costs of your repairs. Making it a point to regularly remove dirt, rocks, and grass from this entrance will help to ensure that repair professionals are able to quickly located this access port.

Appreciate The Importance Of Keep The Bacteria Levels In Your System Balanced

The bacteria in the septic tank will be responsible for breaking down the matter that enters this tank. Due to this important role, issues with the bacteria levels can promptly lead to performance problems with the system. You can avoid causing imbalances in the tank by avoiding pouring antibacterial cleaning agents down the drains as this can quickly devastating the bacteria in your tank. Also, you should avoid pouring grease or fat down your drains as this could cause a shift in the types of bacteria in your tank.

Regularly Inspect The Soil Around The Septic Tank

There are many different types of septic tank problems that could cause the soil around the tank to become wet. Due to this, homeowners should inspect the soil near their septic system every few weeks. If you notice that the soil is excessively damp or that water is pooling, a serious issue may be developing with your system that should be repaired immediately.