Strategies That Keep A Septic System Functioning Effectively

23 February 2021
 Categories: , Blog


When people move from a municipality to the country, they may need to change some of their habits to keep the septic system running properly. Everything sent down drains and toilets ends up in the septic tank. The liquid needs time for solids to filter down before it moves to the drain field. Companies providing residential septic services can offer plenty of tips to keep the system operating effectively.

No Oily Substances

Many households treat their drainage equipment like a waste disposal system, but that cannot be continued when living in the country. For example, the practice of putting oily substances into drains should be minimized. That means not pouring used cooking oil down the drain or rinsing greasy pans before wiping them off. It's best to avoid oily hair conditioners and hot oil treatments.

Friendly bacteria in the tank have the job of breaking down all materials sent there. They are not very effective at doing this with oil. If oil escapes the tank with liquid moving to the drain field, clogs may develop in the soil. Once that field is contaminated, septic service technicians must resolve the problem. This is a large and expensive project.

No Harsh Cleaning Products

Harsh cleansers should also be limited. It's important to consider that antibacterial soaps kill friendly microbes as well as harmful ones. Minimizing the use of bleach in the laundry and in toilet cleaners also is helpful for the bacteria.

Septic technicians sell packets of friendly bacteria cultures in powder form at an affordable price. Some households like to flush a packet of powder every month to boost microbial activity.

Limiting Paper Flushing

It helps to limit the amount of paper being flushed. Tissues used for blowing noses and removing makeup can be disposed of in a wastebasket. The household should not buy 3-ply or 4-ply toilet paper, as it does not break down easily in water.

Scheduling Tank Pumping

The best strategy for learning how well the household is treating the septic system is to schedule tank pumping and cleaning after one year of residence. Technicians point out any issues they see after lifting the lid.

Tampons floating on the top, for example, show that someone is ignoring the rules about only flushing toilet paper and organic waste. A tank that is abnormally full for the number of the home's residents could indicate that they are flushing paper towels or using far too much toilet paper. These actions could result in the need for more frequent pumping or dealing with a sewer backup.

Contact a residential septic service in your area to learn more.